Let’s be honest— Fear, worry, and anxiety are unwelcome guests that tend to show up at the most inconvenient times. Recently, I came across an article suggesting these emotions are actually sins. This got me thinking back to when I was a kid and was told the same thing. It used to really bother me.

But here’s the thing: Does the Bible really say fear itself is sinful? Spoiler alert: I don’t quite think so. Let’s look at why these emotions are normal and, more importantly, how we can find peace and strength in God even when we’re feeling a little freaked out.

Is Fear a Sin? Finding Hope in the Bible

Fear, worry, and anxiety are emotions we all experience at times. The Bible acknowledges these feelings throughout its pages and offers comfort and guidance. Fear itself is not a sin. However, when fear replaces trust in God, it can lead us down the wrong path. I think that that’s the thing.

Here are some encouraging scriptures to reflect on:

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse reminds us that God is always present, offering strength and support.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” We are instructed to cast our anxieties on God, trusting that He will see us through.

Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” This verse beautifully illustrates surrendering our worries to God’s care.

Seeking God’s Comfort and Wisdom

The above verses don’t chastise us because we’re fearful, worried, sad, or anxious. They remind us that we should not be controlled by those feelings. But they also encourage us to actively seek God in times of fear and anxiety. I think that’s the thing, and trust, too.

My Thoughts 

While the above verses don’t chastise us, I believe some well-meaning people tell us it’s a sin to feel those feelings because, to some, it symbolizes a lack of faith on our part. 

I don’t think it’s that at all. There is a lot to think about here:

  1. We are in our own growth season with Jesus; some are young believers, and some are very mature. We’ll keep maturing, and our faith will keep growing.
  2. Because God made us unique humans, we all process life’s difficulties or hardships differently. Some process quickly, while others may take a bit more time. And that’s okay. It’s easier said than done, I know.
  3. Worry and fear become sins when worry steals our faith, and we stay stuck there, not wanting to move forward with Jesus. You know those shoulda, woulda, coulda, what if, why, and so on questions? Worry, fear, sadness, and anxiety can wreak havoc on us both physically and mentally.

But How Do We Seek God in Uncertainty?

Prayer: Prayer is a powerful tool for communication with God. Express your worries, fears, and anxieties to Him.

Scripture Reading: Soak in God’s word, which offers comfort and guidance. Read verses that speak to your specific situation.

Trust: Developing trust in God’s plan, even when we can’t see it, is key to overcoming fear. It may take time for some people, especially new believers, to trust God. We all had to learn who he is; it didn’t happen overnight. 

Talk: Share your fears, worries, sadness, or anxiety with a trusted friend, pastor, or counselor. Ask for help, and seek guidance from a mentor or older person.

Read Devotionals: There are tons of devotionals on every topic imaginable, both in print and online. I find this really helpful and soothing, and it helps me focus and brings me back to the here and now.

Show Yourself Some Grace: We often forget to be kind to ourselves. But here’s the thing: showing yourself grace isn’t about giving yourself a free pass. It’s about acknowledging that you’re human, and humans stumble, make mistakes, and have off days. It’s about offering yourself the same compassion and understanding you’d give a friend in the same situation.

Encouragement for the Anxious Heart

Remember, you are not alone. Many people in the Bible experienced fear and anxiety, yet God remained faithful. By drawing close to Him through prayer and scripture and trusting in His love, you can find the comfort, peace, and wisdom you need to navigate life’s challenges.

Reflection Questions

  1. What worries or anxieties have been weighing on you lately?
  2. Can you identify a scripture that speaks to your current situation?
  3. How can you be more intentional about seeking God in prayer and scripture reading?
  4. How do you typically respond to fear, worry, or anxiety?
  5. What steps can you take to seek God’s wisdom and find peace in distress?

I’m linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday  @ Create With Joy   #TellHisStory @ Andrew’s InstaEncouragements Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Grace & Truth   @ Maree Dee’s Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade    Tell It To Me Tuesday   Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop  Crazy Little Love Birds  Will Blog For Comments     The Happy Now Blog Link-Up      Dare To Share Saturdays   Gr.ner.ic @ G’Ma’s Photos  Traffic Jam Reboot  Weekly Highlights @ My Full Heart   Funtastic Friday  #Alittleabouteverything @ Iveth’s

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  1. Such a good post. I have so much fear over our country’s future. We are living in such scary times.

  2. Thank you for sharing at Gma’sPhoto | ge•ner•ic Linkup Party . Looking forward to seeing you next Friday!
    Take care and best wishes.

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