Hey friends! March is here, and everything will soon have a spring in its step (pun totally intended ). The days are getting longer, like sunshine stretching out a warm welcome mat. And can we talk about the flowers? They’ll soon pop up like confetti, celebrating nature’s grand reopening!

Think of it – trees shaking off their winter slumber, dressing up in their most vibrant greens. Flowers peeking out, whispering secrets to the bees, their sweet fragrance a symphony for our noses. It’s like a giant, colorful party thrown by God, and we’re all invited!

This vibrant display isn’t just a happy accident. It’s a love letter from God, reminding us of His creativity and the incredible gifts He showers upon us.


Spring is like a spiritual pep talk. Seeing those trees blooming is a high five from the heavens, a reminder that renewal is always possible. Just like Jesus rose from the dead, bringing new life, we too can experience fresh starts and growth in our faith.

March is a time to dance with joy – maybe not literally (though hey, who’s stopping you?), but to let that feeling of lightness and anticipation fill your heart. Bask in God’s grace; soak up the beauty He has painted across the world, from the sun’s soft glow to the delicate green shoots peeking through the ground. It’s a reminder that life can bloom again even after the coldest, darkest seasons.


Let’s fill our new season with laughter that rings out like birdsong and acts of love that spread warmth like sunshine. Let’s embrace the sweet anticipation of spring, not just in the world around us but within ourselves. It’s a time for growth, reaching toward the light, and believing with every fiber of our being that beautiful things are on the way. Today, let’s celebrate the promise of brighter days and the enduring love of our God.

Sweet Tea & Friends is a MONTHLY PARTY and will run from 1:00 am on the 1st of every month through 11:55 pm on the 21st of the month. 

1. For Bloggers, you can link UNLIMITED posts of your Christian, faith, family-friendly posts. Feel free to link up your Crafting, DIY, recipes/ Cooking, Gardening, Photography, Lifestyle, Travel, Health & Beauty, Fashion, Parenting, Grandparenting, Home Making, Homescapes & Tablescapes, Outdoor and Decorating. Why Unlimited? Because I thought you might want to link up any older posts that need some love and attention too. Do you host a Link-Up? Link it up.

2. Link to a specific blog post (URL of a specific post)—(not your website). Feel free to link up any older posts that may need some love and attention too.

3. Show some love. Visit your neighbor or at least 2 others and comment to let them know that what they wrote touched you or you appreciated their post.

4. For Readers, please feel free to click on the blue button below to visit other writers’ blog posts. You will find Christian content, encouragement, inspiration, and many lifestyle and homestyle content you are sure to enjoy.

Kindly Link Back To The Host Post or Blog

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Linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

 Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday  @ Create With Joy   #TellHisStory @ Andrew’s   InstaEncouragements   Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Grace & Truth   @ Maree Dee’s    Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade    Tell It To Me Tuesday   Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop  Crazy Little Love Birds  Will Blog For Comments     The Happy Now Blog Link-Up      Dare To Share Saturdays   Gr.ner.ic @ G’Ma’s Photos  Traffic Jam Reboot  Weekly Highlights @ My Full Heart   Funtastic Friday  #Alittleabouteverything @ Iveth’s

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  1. Paula, I’m ready for more sunshine and days out in my garden. It’s also so nice knowing that our God has everlasting love. Thank you for hosting this wonderful linkup. ❤️

    1. I hear you Steph, I can’t wait for warmth. It’s my pleasure I love having you visit.

  2. I love that Easter is such a picture of new life in Christ. I look forward to more daylight and new growth and color outside.

  3. Melynda Egger Brown

    Paula, we have had a few days of spring weather here in East Texas, I have blueberries to get planted and of course my Utility Kitchen project to get completed. Spring always seems like the starting flag in a race! The race to live as well as is possible, for as long as is possible. Thank you for another lovely link-up!

    1. You are so welcome Melynda. I love when you stop by for a visit.

  4. I LOVE spring for all the reasons you mentioned–flowers, green, and hope! The last several years I have started decorating for Easter a lot more, not with bunnies and carrots but with “He is Risen” and flowers and lambs and Easter lilies. I love focusing on that–it is so full of happiness and peace. Thanks for a wonderful message. And thanks for hosting this great linkup. I’ve shared posts 28, 29, and 30 this week and am off to see what others have left and leave some comments. 🙂 See you next week!

    1. You are so welcome Jen, I love when you come and visit. ♥️

  5. Hi Paula! Thanks for hosting. I am at #36.
    I sure like the image of the spring tree, yes- it is time for refreshment feelings!!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. You are so welcome Debbie, it’s my pleasure. I enjoy when you stop over for a visit. ♥️

  6. Hi Paula, thanks for the mention of SeniorSalonPitStop as one of your parties you visit.
    Thanks for hosting and my links this week: 37+38. As always we will be delighted if you share your post links with us at SeniorSalonPitStop. Link under BLOGGING

    1. You are so welcome Esme’. And it’s my pleasure. I sure will be stopping by your place.

  7. I’m excited for spring too, it’s my favorite time of year. Thanks for the party.

    1. Your so very welcome dear friend.

  8. Spring seems to have arrived where I am in Kansas even though I don’t think I’m ready for winter to be over! One word to describe March so far would be “wind.” 🙂 That said, I do love your encouragement to embrace spring and new life and joy.

    1. You know I have to agree with you about the wind. And thank you for your kind words.

  9. Hi, Paula. Happy Sunday! I’m back again this week with links 51, 52, and 53. And off to see what’s been shared since I was here last, and leave some more comment love. Thank you for hosting the party! I’ll see you again next week. 🙂

    1. Thanks bunches Jen for linking up. I value your visits.

  10. I love the promise of spring! I’m ready for warmer weather, flowers and everything turning green, and spring means visits with family too! Thanks for hosting!

    1. You’re so welcome Kym, thank you for coming over.

  11. Paula, what a beautiful reminder that spring is on its way. It will be so nice to see all the color come alive in the world around us. May God spring fresh in our hearts, as well!

    1. Thank you Donna. And I’m right with you awaiting spring.

  12. strengthwithdignity

    I appreciate your encouragement to embrace the changes of the seasons in our lives, Paula! And just as winter gives way to springtime, we can embrace His love for us. The leaves on my roses are popping out and the early bloomer (Lady Banks) has rosebuds on it. Spring is definitely in the air!

    1. Thanks so much Lisa. How nice you’ve got leaves and buds already.

  13. I LOVE your spring link up! Personally I’m so ready for spring and all it brings! Thank you for hosting such a fun party. Thank you for the inspiring ideas and recipes. I brought GRILLED PORK CHOPS with RASPBERRY CHIPOTLE BBQ SAUCE, BAKED EGGS and CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CHEESECAKE. Have a WONDERFUL week!

    1. Thanks bunches and you’re so welcome Tammy. Thank you so much for coming over to visit.

  14. Happy March, Paula! I love thinking of the arrival of spring as a love letter from God! Another reason to love the season ahead and all it brings with the promise of new life!

    1. Happy March Laura! I’m with you on the new season ahead and all it brings with the promise of new life.

  15. Living in Florida, I miss the feeling of spring in the air but I can’t complain about the winters! Thanks so much for hosting this nice party!

    1. You are so welcome, it’s my pleasure. The past few winters have been mild here in PA and some warmer days too. I’m all about that. Lol.

  16. Melynda Egger Brown

    Paula, thank you for sharing this lovely party with us at SSPS!

  17. Lovely linky party, Paula!
    I’d love for you to join us over at the Creatively Crafty Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday
    Followed and Pinned!
    Creatively, Beth

    1. Hi Beth! How are you? Thank you so much, it’s my pleasure to host everyone. I’ll be sure to stop over at your place.

  18. Stopping by again to say congratulations–this post was one of the most-visited at the Will Blog for Comments #28 linkup. It will be featured all week, starting today. If you like, you’re welcome to save the “This Blog Post was a Featured Favorite” image from there to share with your readers here. Hope to see you next week at #29, which opens Monday morning. Have a great weekend.

    1. Jen, Thanks so much for the feature 🌻

  19. Hi, Paula! I hope it’s been a great week. I’ve shared 96, 97, 98 this time and am off to see what others have shared since I was here last. 🙂 Thank you for hosting this lovely linkup.

    1. You are so welcome sweet friend ❤️. I appreciate your visits

  20. Hi, Paula. I’m back again with #132! Will take a look at other links and share some biog luv.
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. Thanks so much for your visits Debbie 🌼

  21. Happy Monday! I’m back sharing posts 144, 145, and 146 and am off to see what others have shared since I was here last week. 🙂 Have a wonderful week, Paula!

  22. […] A Love Letter From God | Sweet Tea & Friends […]

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