Life is full of twists and turns, and it’s not uncommon for things to not go according to plan. At times, we may find ourselves in situations where we are eagerly waiting for answers to our prayers, hoping for our dreams, goals, and aspirations to come to fruition. However, it’s during these moments of uncertainty and delay that we may become overwhelmed with frustration, anxiety, and even a sense of disillusionment.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember that delays can be just as much a part of God’s plan as answered prayers. As humans, we may have a natural predisposition towards wanting immediate gratification and quick results— but we must trust in God’s timing.

He knows what’s best for us, and His plans for us are always perfect. The stories of Joseph, Abraham, and Moses in the Bible serve as a testament to the fact that God’s plans aren’t always easy, but they’re always good. Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers, sold into slavery, and spent years in prison before becoming the second most powerful man in Egypt. Abraham waited for years for a son, and Isaac was born when he was beyond the age of childbearing. Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness before leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

These stories illustrate that God’s timing is perfect, and that every delay we face is a part of a bigger plan that He has for us. In fact, delays can be blessings in disguise, as they provide us with the time to reflect, reassess our priorities, and grow in our faith. When we face delays, it’s an opportunity to trust in God and His plan for our lives.

Why Does God Delay?

There are many reasons why God might delay answering our prayers. Here are a few, with some additional details:

  1. He is preparing us: Sometimes, God delays our prayers so that He can prepare us for what He has in store for us. This could mean growing our faith, teaching us patience, or helping us to develop the character qualities we need to handle the answer to our prayer. For example, if we are praying for a job, God may delay the answer so that we can have more time to develop our skills and experience. Or, if we are praying for healing, God may delay the answer so that we can learn to rely on Him more fully.
  2. He is protecting us: Sometimes, God delays our prayers because He is protecting us from something harmful. He knows what’s best for us, even if we don’t always understand it. For example, if we are praying for a relationship to end, God may delay the answer so that we can have more time to heal from the pain. Or, if we are praying for a financial windfall, God may delay the answer so that we don’t become greedy or materialistic.
  3. He is working in other areas of our lives: Sometimes, God delays our prayers because He is working on other things in our lives. He may be working to heal a relationship, provide for our financial needs, or open a door of opportunity. For example, if we are praying for a child, God may delay the answer so that He can first work to heal our marriage. Or, if we are praying for a job promotion, God may delay the answer so that He can first give us the experience and skills we need to be successful.
  4. He is waiting for the right time: Sometimes, God delays our prayers because He is waiting for the right time to answer them. This could be because He is waiting for us to be in the right place, or because He is waiting for the right people to be involved. For example, if we are praying for a miracle, God may delay the answer until we have exhausted all other possibilities. Or, if we are praying for a reunion with a loved one, God may delay the answer until they are ready to be reunited with us.

How Can We Respond to Delays?

When we experience delays in our prayers, it’s important to remember that God is still in control. He loves us and wants what’s best for us. Here are a few ways we can respond to delays in our prayers:

  1. Trust God. The most important thing we can do when we experience delays is to trust God. We need to believe that He is good and that He has a good plan for our lives. This means believing that He is working in our lives, even when we don’t see it. It also means believing that He’ll answer our prayers, even if it’s not in the way we expect.
  2. Be patient. It’s important to be patient when we wait for God’s answer. We need to remember that God’s timing isn’t our timing. This means being willing to wait, even when it’s difficult. It also means being willing to trust God, even when we don’t understand why He’s delaying our prayers.
  3. Continue to pray. Even when we don’t see an immediate answer, we should continue to pray. Prayer is our way of communicating with God and staying connected to Him. This means praying even when we’re discouraged or frustrated. It also means praying even when we don’t know what to say.
  4. Be grateful. Even though we may not understand why God delays our prayers, we can still be grateful for His love and His faithfulness. This means being thankful for the things He has already done in our lives, even if they’re not the things we’re praying for. It also means being thankful for the opportunity to trust Him and grow in our faith.

We may not always understand the reasons for the delays, but we can have faith that God is working everything for our good. As the Bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

All In All

Delays are an inevitable part of life, and they can be just as much a part of God’s plan as answered prayers. Though it may be hard to wait for answers to our prayers, we must trust in God’s timing and have faith that He is working everything for our good. May we always remember that every delay is an opportunity to grow in our faith and to trust in God’s plan for our lives.

Linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

Senior Salon Pit Stop Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s Inspire Me Monday @ Create With Joy Friendship Friday Remember Me Monday #TellHisStory InstaEncouragements Let’s Have Coffee #AnythingGoesLinky Imparting Grace Grace & Truth You’re The Star Encouraging Hearts & Home Hearth & Soul Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy’s Grid #PoCoLo Happiness Is Homemade Tell It To Me Tuesday Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop

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  1. Even the title says catches me right where I live every day!

  2. Great post, Paula. I love the different reasons you brought out as to why God might delay an answer. I’ve often wondered why He told Abraham he was going to have a son so many years before it happened. I think one answer was that He wanted to grow the faith of Abraham and Sarah, but He also wanted them to live in light of that promise. Waiting is one of the hardest things, but it’s a fact of life. May God give us grace to wait patiently and trustingly.

  3. I am in a season of waiting right now and it’s no fun. But I know God can use it. Thank you for reiterating that.

  4. Continuing to cultivate trust and gratefulness while we wait, is so important, Paula!

  5. Waiting isn’t much fun, is it? I love your encouraging post. It’s full of wonderful reminders and advice, and I especially appreciated your reminder to be thankful for God’s love and faithfulness.

  6. we might not know til heaven why those delays were there. we may never fully appreciate what we’ve been protected from … or invited to.

    thank you for these needful words, Paula. we don’t need to know everything. we only need to know Him.

  7. I hate the delays.

    I’m trying to remember what you’ve said, and I know it’s true, but it goes against the grain!

    Thank you for sharing your post with our readers at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! Every person brings such a unique personality to the party, including you!

    Have a wonderful week!


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