I\’m linking up with friends for Share Four Somethings May 2023 over @ Jennifer\’s place, Overflowing With Thankfulness; each month, we share something we Loved, Read, Learned, and Ate. Loved Spring has sprung, my friends. Okay, so I didn\’t need to tell …
May 2023

Strengthening Our Roots
The above photo of an ornamental pear tree was taken through my car window. Do you see how it looks pixelated? The town I live in planted them all over the place because they …

Conquering Catastrophic Thoughts Through Christ
We all face times when our thoughts seem to spiral out of control. We begin to catastrophize, imagining worst-case scenarios and feeling helpless in the face of our worries. But we’re not alone in this …
FMF— The Deliberateness Of God
This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single-word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, …
Who\’s Your Lazarus?
Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, were close friends of Jesus. So when their brother was ill, the sisters sent for Him, saying, “The one you love is ill.” (John 11:3) But Jesus didn’t …
Forgiving Motherhood Shortcomings
As a Christian mother, it can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that we have made mistakes in our parenting journey. We may reflect on our past decisions, regrets and wish we …
Help— What\’s Everyone Reading?
Hey Friends! Yours truly is in a reading funk. Some of you may have noticed me telling you I’m in a reading funk When commenting on your book reviews. I’ve been an avid reader since …