I\’m linking up with friends for Share Four Somethings May 2023 over @ Jennifer\’s place, Overflowing With Thankfulness; each month, we share something we LovedReadLearned, and Ate


Spring has sprung, my friends. Okay, so I didn\’t need to tell you that because it\’s also sprung in your neck of the woods too. Springs leads to summer heat. I love to sit outside on the pavilion or porch and take in nature, and people watch and so forth. 


As most of you know, I\’ve been in a reading funk for about a year. When I asked Help— What\’s Everybody Reading during my Sweet Tea & Friends May Link Up, many responded with many book recommendations and suggestions for me. 

I started off reading Sisterchicks In Sombreros By: Robin Gunn Jones, via Joanne Viola. This book brought me so much joy and laugh-out-loud laughter. If you want a feel-good, Christian humous fiction, read this is it. 

Here\’s the Amazon excerpt

Two Canadian sisters, Melanie and Joanna, inherit beachfront property in Mexico and take off on an adventure to claim their inheritance. They travel opulently by cruise ship to Ensenada and survive a rocky trip through Baja California, with a detour to help a family in a remote location. When they arrive in San Felipe, they discover that their beachfront property is not as expected. Undaunted, and with the help of a few locals and a memorable dinner on the beach, the sisters complete their mission and return home where they find that the true gift was the chance to reconnect. Neither of them will ever doubt that everything that happened along the way was part of God\’s beautiful plan..


When I took my dog out to potty for bedtime two days last week, I noticed that the moon looked weird. Kind of creepy. So I Googled why the moon was looking strange. I found out that I was seeing Earthshine. Now I thought it looked neat because I\’ve never seen anything like it before. Sadly, I didn\’t get a picture of it. 


Okay, not necessarily ate but drank. I tried \”Bubble Tea\” for the first time. The flavor I got was honeydew. The taste was good, but I\’m still unsure how I feel about the \”bubbles.\” They\’re kind of fruity gummy bear feeling. I\’m not one to have sensory issues with food, but so far, I\’m not thrilled with the texture of the \”bubbles.\”


Wishing everyone a happy, warm, and blessed June.

Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts

Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday @ Anita\’s Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday    #MondayMusings    Remember Me Monday   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements Let\’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy\’s Grid    #PoCoLo

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  1. ‘so much joy and laugh-out-loud laughter’

    sometimes that’s EXACTLY what we were looking for and didn’t even know it!

  2. Spring is such a delight to our senses, Paula, and I’m so glad you had the opportunity to enjoy porch and pergola time! The bubbling tea sounds interesting. I’m so glad you found a book that you enjoyed! May it be the jumpstart to a new joyous read.

  3. I am with you about bubble tea, I don’t really want gummy things in my drink.

    Sorry about your reading funk, a year is a long time for that! I hope all the recommendations can help pull you out.

    1. I did get many book recommendations that I can’t wait to check out.

  4. I love it Paula, Thank you for what you learned about the moon.

  5. I love the Spring too Paula. It is delightful. What fun reading about your four somethings. The book sounds fun, and earth shine intriguing.

  6. I decided I should check out that Sisterchicks book too – like I have time for another book on my to-be-read list! ha! I think Bubble Tea is a bit of an acquired taste. I wasn’t sure I liked the ‘bubbles’ the first time either and it’s still not my favorite but it’s something fun and different! Visiting from SFS

    1. I ended up ordering a few more Sisterchicks books from Thrift Books.

  7. I so love when spring comes around, that means summer is not too far away 🙂 The book sounds interesting and as I always say – laughter is the best medicine! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 114. Pinned.

    1. And that I love to do. I’m so easily amused and at 51 I’ve still been known to stomp in rain puddles. Lol.

    2. I totally agree with you about laughter.

  8. I’m with you on the bubble tea, Paula. It’s very popular around here and my granddaughter got me to try it. But I’ll stick with my basic iced tea with lots of lemon. 🙂 Your book sounds like a sweet summer read. And how interesting about the moon. I’ll have to look it up to see what earthshine looks like. Have a blessed week!

    1. I think I’ll stick with my iced tea with lemon too.

  9. I love spring–much better than summer, due to the heat. But summer has its good points, too. I love seeing what’s blooming when I go outside.

    I read several of the Sisterchicks novels years ago. They were a lot of fun, yet could be deep as well.

    I never heard of Earthshine before. Interesting!

    My son, d-i-l, and grandson like bubble tea. It does not sound appealing to me. 🙂

    1. Yes, the Sisterchicks novels really relax me and I love to laugh and it sure did make me feel joyful.

  10. My boys and I tried some “bubble” drinks too but weren’t a fan of the actual bubbles either. They sure do look cute though. I’m kind of curious about what the moon looked like now…

    1. I thought the Moon looked creepy which prompted me to Google it. I was like huh. Then I found it interesting as I have never seen anything like it before.

  11. Thanks for the mention and link to SSPS in your post, so others can see where you party.
    Reading, well all I get to read nowadays, being blog posts, but I am not complaining, that means I read 100’s of books a week, short stories. Love it.
    Thank you from your Vroom Vroom Team for sharing your links with us at #263 SSPS Linky. Please check back weekly to see if featured on the blog post or by any co-hosts.

  12. I love Spring also, except for the allergies! Sounds like a good book. I love bubble tea, especially the boba pearls. Some places have fruity ones that squirt juice in your mouth when you chew them. Definitely an interesting taste sensation.

    1. I enjoyed the flavor of the Tea I picked but my virdect is still out on the boba pearls. Lol

  13. Paula, I am so glad you enjoyed the books. I found the series to be fun and yet always with an inspiring thought. I am glad it made you laugh out loud too. We sure do need to do that every now and then!

    1. For sure Joanne, I ordered a few more from thrift books. I’m hooked on the series now I’m reading Sisterchicks Do The Hula now and I’m laughing out loud again.

  14. Yay for finding a book that brought you joy! I have been craving more Romcoms this past year and it has helped with my reading. Have a great weekend. Visiting from Share Four Somethings.

    1. Thanks Cindy. I can’t help with recommendations in the romcom category though. {{Hugs}}

  15. Thank you for the book recommendation! The book, “Sisterchicks in Sombreros,” sounds like a wonderful summer read!

    1. You’re welcome Laura. Yes it sure would make a great summer read indeed.

  16. Paula, CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 115!

  17. Bubble tea is not my thing but the laugh out loud book sounds good!

  18. I learned something new here today: earthshine. I suppose I’ve seen it before, but I have never heard the term. Now I’ll know! Thanks, Paula. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome Lisa. It looked so creepy to me that I had to look it up. I was like huh.

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