In all parts of life, God teaches us many lessons and prepares us for tough times. Grieving because of losing a loved one is one of those tough times. I admit that my grief is one of the hardest things to overcome, but I know I can make it through challenging times.

When you think of grief, do your thoughts take you to memories of a loved one who passed away? What about a loved one who disengaged themselves from your life? Other things we grieve can also include— job loss, a chronic illness, a terminal diagnosis, personal injury, divorce, retirement, the loss of a pet, foreclosure of a home, a change in living conditions, and so much more.

On days when I am feeling blue and missing my disengaged loved one or having a flare from chronic illness, I rely on my faith in Jesus to lift my spirit back up. I know that if I allow myself to dwell in the sadness, it is easy for it to become a part of me. 

I lean heavily on the shoulders of my Creator because I know that is where my strength and guidance come from. I remind myself to call out to him for help when I need it. I know support is right there, waiting for me to take it.

I am comforted when I pray for healing. I am reminded that God is working behind the scenes for my loved one and me. Even if I can\’t see it or understand his plan. That knowledge is enough for me to gather my strength and move on.

Today, because of Him, I know I have the strength to make it through grief and sorrow. I am confident that my Creator can heal my pain and help me move onward.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I understand that grieving is a natural part of life?
  2. How can I use my spiritual strength to help uplift me from my grief?
  3. What actions can I take to build my faith?

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  1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Paula. I’m having a sad day today missing some of my loved ones, so this is just in time.

  2. Great post, Paula. Grief is a part of life because something is always changing, and often that means the loss of something familiar. I find the action I take to help with grief that helps the most is to direct my thoughts on what I have left. Expressing gratitude for those things doesn’t take the pain away but it lessens the impact. The more gratitude I can express, the better I feel.

    I also like to remind myself that in light of eternity, this time of struggle is short.

    1. Author

      You know Jerri, now that you mention it, your so right. I feel the same way, the more gratitude I express the better I feel too. This time of struggle is short indeed.

  3. Grief can come from varied situations and people. Paula, you are so right. No matter the source of our grief, we can lean on our God to give us the strength we need to get through the pain.

  4. Beautiful thoughts, Paula. As I well know, grief is not just about death. We encounter grief and sorrow in many areas of life. But through it all, our Good Shepherd never leaves us, but guides us beside the still waters of His unfailing love. Raising a glass of sweet tea to you, my dear friend!

  5. Happy Birthday, Paula!!

    Thanks for this lovely post on seasons of grief and how we are shepherded by God’s love for us through those seasons.

    Thanks, as well, for hosting the linkup!

    Have a great August!!

  6. I am grateful that God is there in our times of grief and sadness and that he gives us strength for each day as we look to him!

  7. I am also thankful for God’s grace through our various kinds of losses. He’s “aquainted with grief” and symaothises with us in ours.

  8. It’s definitely a challenge to sit with our grief in the presence of God without expectations and demands for resolution. Blessings to you as you navigate this season.

  9. Paula, this post is so timely. Grief in its many forms can devastate us for a season. But, without a doubt, having Jesus to walk with us through it, brings a quicker healing.

    And this: “I lean heavily on the shoulders of my Creator because I know that is where my strength and guidance come from.”

    Yes and amen, friend.

  10. Thank you so much for this post. And also a thnak you for the Self-Reflection Questions. They are so useful for me.

  11. The Psalms were a tremendous help to me when our son passed away–it gave me the freedom to express my pain to God in prayer. I know that God heard my prayers.

  12. Truly it’s our faith in a loving God, who will not burden us with more than we can bear, that sees us through the sad and dark times of our lives.
    Stay blessed, Paula. ♥

  13. Such a poignant post, Paula. It reminds me of the scripture that held so much comfort for me in my parents’ final days … “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) And another favorite Psalm … ” I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2) He will hold you fast, my friend.

  14. Paula, thank you for reminding us that especially in grief our help comes from the Lord! He gets me like no other…

  15. Life can give us so many reasons to grieve whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream, a marriage, or something else. I don’t know how people make it without the Lord. Thanks for sharing and for hosting.

  16. You are so right, Paula. There are things we can do, in fact SHOULD do, to uplift ourselves from the depths of grief. Too often I’ve allowed grief to envelop me in a shroud of self-pity. Why?! I feel so much better if I sing praise choruses, recite a praise psalm (like #103 or #145), or make a mental gratitude list!

  17. Paula, we are so blessed to have our Good Shepher to comfort us. Thank you for your beautiful post and may Jesus’ peace and joy be with you today.

  18. Oh yes, grieving comes in all sizes, colors, and shapes. Sometimes we know it’s coming and other times we’re caught completely off guard.

    So grateful for His comfort and solace.

  19. We have had to learn more about grief in the last couple of years than I ever expected. I tell people that I feel like we are living in a Lifetime Movie.


    Has been with us every step of the way.

    Monday Musings #6

  20. “I am reminded that God is working behind the scenes for my loved one and me. Even if I can’t see it or understand his plan. ”
    This is so true. I believe this is what I rely upon when nothing makes sense anymore. I’ve been dealing with grief over the past few years and I totally understand how tough this must be on you. All I can say is hang in there with the faith in the Almighty and everything will be fine again.

    Hugs and prayers for you to stay strong through this tough time.

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