Come, Just as you are. Bring me your brokenness, all of it, your innermost pieces. Your failures, sorrows, heartaches. your illnesses and disabilities. Your worries, fears, anxiety, depression, disbelief, and addictions. Lay them all down …
The Shepherds Visit
For a bright light appeared. And they saw an angel of the Lord, with the glory of God shown all around. They were afraid, for they had never seen such a sight. The angel of …
Dear Friends— A Message
Greetings dear friends and readers of Simply Coffee & Jesus. Thank You in advance. For what you ask? For hanging in there with me as Jesus, and I rebuild Simply Coffee & Jesus. What Happened? …
Come— You Who Are Weary
Come you who are weary, I Will give you rest. Bring Me your worries. Believe In me, I will put them to rest. Look up from your daily burdens. Look up from your phones, games, …
Righteousness And Peace Kissed
Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Psalm 85:10 NIV I came across this verse in my daily Bible reading. It stopped me in my tracks, it captivated me to pause and reflect. I …
FMF— Green
This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single word prompt to free write, …
Has God Called You Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Has God ever called you to step out of your comfort zone? He has called me to do so many times. When I was younger I didn\’t realize it was him. However, as my relationship …
FMF— Enable
My Abba enables me to Do anything he has destined for me to accomplish and carries me forward. The Holy Spirit enables me to endure and carry out God\’s will. God enables the impossible to …
The Misconception Of Perception
I used to be guilty of misconceived perceptions, but as I age not so much. When the misconception of perception rears its ugly little head, I am quick to put it in to check. I …
Finding Home By Way Of The Valley
I found home by way of the valley road, through mountain treks uphill and steep. Following the winding streams, I was thirsty so I drank the cool water, but I was still thirsty. I kept …
Resting In His Love
Abba, you are Love. in my meager existence I can not fathom your supernatural abundant love for me. I rest in your Love. You my Abba, the uncreated one who created the universe, created me. …
On Recuperation
Your Dictionary says that to recuperate means; to get better after an illness, to recover after exertion, or to get back something that was lost. The verb is, To return to health or strength recover. …