This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single-word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week’s word prompt is {{Favor}}

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly battling against the tide? Like, no matter how hard you try, things just don’t seem to go your way? You might be feeling a lack of God’s favor in your life.

But what exactly is God’s favor?

It’s not good luck or fortune. It’s the active, loving presence of God in your life. It’s His grace, mercy, and guidance shining upon you. It’s experiencing His peace that surpasses all understanding, even in storms.

Here are a few signs you might be walking in the sunshine of God’s favor:

A deep sense of peace and contentment: You find joy in the simple things and a quiet assurance that all is well.

Experiencing open doors and unexpected blessings: Opportunities seem to present themselves effortlessly, and you find yourself in the right place at the right time.

A growing intimacy with God: Your prayer life deepens, and you feel a constant connection to the Divine.

A desire to serve others: You find fulfillment in helping others and using your gifts to bless the world.

A spirit of gratitude and appreciation: You recognize the goodness of God in all things, big and small.

How can you cultivate God’s favor in your life?

Seek God’s face diligently: Spend time in prayer and in His Word.

Obey His commands: Align your will with His, even when it’s difficult.

Trust in His promises: Believe that He is good and that His plans for you are always for your good.

Forgive others: Holding onto bitterness and resentment will block the flow of God’s favor.

Live a life of integrity: Walk in honesty and truth in all your dealings.

Walking in the sunshine of God’s favor is a journey. There will be times of sunshine and times of shade. But remember, God’s love and favor are constant, even when you can’t feel it.

I’m linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

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  1. Nodding my head as I read through your post, Paula. Solid and true encouragement!

  2. This thing is God’s favour,
    the place where I do dwell,
    for I find I savour
    staring into hell
    and watching demons turn away,
    for they can’t meet my eyes.
    I have really got to say
    that this is quite a prize,
    and even more the knowing
    that He’s answered my prayer
    to have my healing going
    to someone else somewhere
    and giving them a healthy life
    while I get my familiar strife.

  3. good post. Love how you pointed out effective ways to find God’s favour in one’s life. FMF14

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