As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, spring heralds a time of renewal and fresh starts. It’s the perfect season for decluttering our homes and lives, and this also extends to our digital spaces. For Christians, spring cleaning your social media can be an opportunity to reflect on how these platforms align with your values and faith.

Evaluate Your Social Media Footprint

Begin by taking a moment to evaluate your social media presence. It might be helpful to ask yourself:

  • What am I sharing? Are your posts reflective of the love, kindness, and respect that are central to Christian teachings?
  • Who am I following? Do the accounts you follow uplift your spirit and encourage your faith?
  • How does social media affect my mood and beliefs? Consider if your social media consumption is edifying or if it leads to feelings of envy, pride, or negativity.

Curate a Positive Environment

Once you’ve evaluated your social media use, aim to create a more positive and faith-inspired atmosphere.

Choose to surround yourself with positivity and people who align with your Christian values. Follow inspiring accounts, such as Christian leaders, organizations, and communities that share uplifting messages and scriptures. 

Share content that reflects your faith and values, such as verses that speak to you, testimonies of God’s work in your life, or messages of hope and love. Doing so can nourish your soul and spread positivity to those around you.

Set Boundaries

Maintaining a healthy relationship with social media requires setting boundaries.

  • Limit your time on these platforms to ensure they don’t become a distraction or an idol from more important aspects of life, like family, friends, Jesus, faith, or Bible study.
  • Be mindful of the conversations you engage in. Social media can be a place for healthy discussions, but arguments that lead to anger or hurt should be avoided.

Engage with Purpose

Use social media intentionally—why not use it with purpose and intention? It’s always good to be mindful of how we spend our time online, and using social media intentionally can help us get the most out of it.

  • Connect with others to foster genuine relationships rather than just increasing your follower count.
  • Participate in or create groups that focus on prayer, Bible study, or service projects, using social media as a tool for good.

Reflect Christ in Your Conduct

Remember, as a Christian, you’re an ambassador for Christ on social media:

  • Be a source of encouragement and positivity in your interactions.
  • Reflect Christ’s love in your posts, comments, and messages.


As you clean up your social media and ensure it reflects your Christian values, you can enjoy an enriching and purposeful digital life. Let’s ensure your light reflects the light of Jesus that shines online, too.

I’m linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

 Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday  @ Create With Joy   #TellHisStory @ Andrew’s InstaEncouragements Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Grace & Truth   @ Maree Dee’s Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade    Tell It To Me Tuesday   Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop  Crazy Little Love Birds  Will Blog For Comments     The Happy Now Blog Link-Up      Dare To Share Saturdays   Gr.ner.ic @ G’Ma’s Photos  Traffic Jam Reboot  Weekly Highlights @ My Full Heart   Funtastic Friday  #Alittleabouteverything @ Iveth’s


  1. My friends and I talk about this often! Thanks for the great reminders!

    1. You’re so welcome Laura 🌼

  2. This is such a lovely idea. I’ve not used Social Media much, I like Instagram for advertising my mindfulness shop (UK) but giving your SM a good clear up every now and then is a good practice.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, I think every now and again we need a good clean up. I like Instagram a lot too.

  3. Paula, wonderful post! I don’t use social media much these days. Often times I forget to post on my Instagram account. Thank you for sharing these great tips with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #29.

  4. What a brilliant idea … not just sweeping out the corners of our homes and tucking away the winter sweaters, but deleting, unsubscribing, and trimming way back on all things online and plugged in. Thanks for this necessary nudge, Paula. Happy Easter to you, friend!

    1. Thanks so much Linda, I thought these were neat ideas too.

  5. Wonderful guidance tips for interacting on social media!

  6. Melynda Egger Brown

    One of my features for SSPS #303, thank you for sharing with us!

    1. Thank you and it’s my pleasure to share at SSPS

  7. Paula, this is a wonderful reminder. We need to surround ourselves with social media that encourages us and points us to Christ. You surely do both, sweet friend!

  8. What great tips for an area of life that now needs spring-cleaning, as well! So clever and smart! I’m here by way of Senior Pit Stop. We’d love to have you join us at Tuesday Turn About each week, and be placed on your schedule. Your blog is definitely family-related, as this guideline will be added to the party starting next week. But feel free to link up this week! 😉

    1. Thanks so much for the invite Julie, I’ll see you soon.

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