Have you ever been in Girl Scouts? I bet even if you haven\’t, you know someone who was. And I bet you know this tune from the friendship song.

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver; the other is gold.

Admit it; you sang that line, didn\’t you? I know I did.

Friendships are such a treasure; some come into our lives for just a season, while others last our lifetime.

But Sometimes

As we approach our forties and fifties, we may find that some of our friendships have fallen away. It\’s a big change from when we were attending school or raising young children. Then, we were surrounded by other kids and parents eager to get together for play dates, birthday parties, or school functions.

Sometimes you may feel like you\’re on your own now. Particularly if you\’re transitioning through an empty nest like packing your kids off to college, their first apartment, or even marriage. 

Tips for Old Friendships

— Plan to meet up with a friend. I say plan because life can be crazy, and we may need to plan in advance to have coffee or dinner with our friends.

— Call, text or video call your friend. It\’s not the same as being present in person, but it can bridge long distances.

— Send your friend a snail mail card, just because.

— On the other hand, maybe you still wonder about a former coworker or someone you went to school with you haven\’t seen in years. You never know if God is touching you with that person. Think about it, why don\’t you reach out?

Tips for New Friendships

— Consider your interests, visit some places where you\’re likely to find others who love the Lord and Attend a Bible Study or church function. You can even sign up for craft, painting, or fitness classes.

— Volunteer in your community. Working for causes you believe can lead to lasting friendships.

— There are advantages to socializing with people of different ages. Interact with someone older or younger when you\’re eating lunch in the park, at a church function, or even at the grocery store.

— Be patient. Sometimes it takes time to develop a connection. 

Tips for Any Friendship

— Know when it\’s time to take off your mask. Friendships develop when we allow others to know us. You can become more personal as you become comfortable with each other.

— Sometimes, we get rejected, and that\’s okay. Give yourself credit for trying, but don\’t be afraid to try again.

— Focus on meaningful interactions.— Having a few close friends is a treasure and a blessing from God. But, Later in life, you may enjoy more solitude while still treasuring when you gather with friends or loved ones.

— Be supportive. If you can help, help. Give and receive with grace. 

Move into your golden years with friends who serve as guides, confidants, and cheerleaders.

Many friendships can last a lifetime. But, remember, you\’re never too old to make new friends. In midlife, you still have a lot of exciting years ahead, so find companions to share them with.

Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.

Proverbs 27:9— NIV

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  1. Hi Paula. Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #1 NATIONAL FALL FOLIAGE WEEK. Also, I’d like to invite you to linkup at some of my link parties.

  2. Such great reflections and ideas for friendships. I always found friendships hard to maintain as I got older because most women returned to work once the kids were older. When the kids were little, we’d hang out all the time. Now almost every woman I know works, and weekends they are with their own families or doing chores. Thanks for the party.

  3. This topic is so relevant to me right now, Paula! This year has brought some sifting in my long-term friend relationships. It’s been super painful to realize that some “best” friends really weren’t. And to accept that as part of life. But I’m also learning not to take for granted that some of my friends truly are committed, no matter what.

  4. It’s so true that maintaining friendships has to be more intentional as we get older. We’re surrounded by friends in school, but as adults we’re caught up with family and work. It takes effort, but it’s so worth it.

  5. I’m back, thanks again for hosting. Having good friends is wonderful!! I added #14 HAVE THEY LOST THEIR MINDS? Now off to visit others 🙂

  6. Good tips! Being intentional about cultivating friendships is so important.

  7. Love this Paula. My husband and I moved to a new state 6 years ago and just now are seeing the benefits of nuturing new friendships from seedlings. It takes all you stated above. Patience, making the effort, not getting disappointed, waiting, praying – but God is good just when you think nothing is happening a flower blooms.

  8. Friendships are a treasure, Paula! I’m thankful for life-long friendships, and for new online friendships through writing. Both in-person and online relationships enrich us deeply. Thanks for hosting October’s Sweet Tea & Friends link up, Paula!

  9. Paula, all your tips are wonderful! I have had many friendships that fall into the “seasonal” category. I used to bemoan this until I realized that God is faithful to bring new friends for new seasons. One of my dearest friends these days is a lady I met at a Bible study right before Covid hit. We started getting together later that year to talk about a book we were both reading, and we’ve kept up our little book club ever since.

  10. Paula, good friends really are precious. A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I met some friends a few hours away and had a sweet weekend with them. They have been friends for 40 years since we came to know the Lord. We only see each other every couple of years but we always seem to pick up right where we left off.

  11. Great tips…cz friendships need work too just like any other relationship.
    Blessings Paula!

  12. Hi Paula,

    I really connected with this post and appreciate your tips. My youngest is finishing up high school and I do feel a bit like the Lone Ranger. Thank you for your encouragement!

    Peace and grace,

  13. Such a beautiful post, Paula.

    So glad to meet you!

    Bloggy pallies make great friends!

    Hugs and blessings 💚💜💛💙🧡🌹

  14. Thank you for hosting Paula. I stumbled upon your website through Imparting Grace’s link party. Glad to be here.

  15. I absolutely sang that line! LOL. I was in girl scouts for a few years and really enjoyed it.

  16. The topic of grown up friendships is something that I have discussed and written about often. I even have an idea for a podcast because I think it’s such a universal issue.

  17. Great post, Paula 🙂

    Friends are the frosting on Life’s cake … and I like cake! Hahaha

    Have a funtastic weekend, friend ~*kisses*

  18. Love your sweet advice here Paula. Friendships are harder to maintain and nurture as we grow older, which is such a shame!! Thank you for the encouragement to not give up, but move into maintaining connection!

  19. Hi Paula. Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #61 WHY I BECAME A NURSE. Also, I’d like to invite you to linkup at some of my link parties.

  20. Love what you are doing here, Paula!

    Also, great post on friendship. Life gets so busy that sometimes we think taking time for friends is non-essential. I want to reach out more to my people.

  21. Valuable friendship tips here!

  22. Hi Paula. Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #91 COLORING IS SO RELAXING and #92 PRINTABLE WALL ART GIVEAWAY. I have some link parties going on too, won’t you join us?

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