Have you ever read Love You Forever By Robert N. Munsch to your children or grandchildren?

It\’s a tear-inducing book. I always got teary-eyed when reading this to my kids when they were little.

It\’s about a mother and her baby son. At each stage of her son\’s life— infant, toddler, preschooler, youngster, teenager, college student, then a father himself. At each stage, no matter how big he grew, she snuck into his room, even when he was a grown married man living with his wife and baby, and she picked him up, rocked him, and sang.

This is what she would sing

\”I\’ll love you forever; I\’ll like you for always. As long as I\’m living, my baby, you\’ll be.\”

[Insert sniff and snivel here]

At the end of the book, the mother is old and frail. She sneaks into his room in his own home while he\’s sleeping. She tries to pick this grown man up to rock him and tries to sing the song.

The man wakes up, takes his mother in his arms, and sings

\”I\’ll love you forever, I\’ll like you for always, as long as I\’m living my mommy you\’ll be.\”

[Insert another sniff and snivel here too]

My youngest baby turned 21 in August. I always send her a message every year that goes something like this.

It\’s 2:05 Am. Happy {21st} Birthday, baby girl. I\’ll love you forever; I\’ll like you for always. As long as I\’m living, my baby, you\’ll be.

I always send it at the time she was born. And I get teary when I send it.

I am reminded of these verses

\”For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother\’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14— NIV

\”The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord cause His face to shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His face to you, And give you peace.\”

Numbers 6:24-26— NASB

\”Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.\” Proverbs 3:5-6— NIV

Proverbs 3:5-6—NASB

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  1. Oh Paula, I love that book. I once saw an interview with the author. Part of the discussion was about how each parent personalizes the story by how they sing the song. I can still remember how I sang it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the reminder that there is someone who will always hold us on His lap, wrap us in His embrace and sing loving words in our ears.

    1. I can hear the tune I sang in my head too. Seriously still makes me teary, Lol.

  2. Yes, I love that book too. And I love that you send your baby girl a text with that sweet message every year!

    1. I’ve been doing it for many years. I set my alarm for 2:00 am and write my text message so I can hit the send button at 2:05 am.

  3. Paula, I love this-what a beautiful way to say Happy Bday!

  4. What a wonderful book and way to remember a birthday.

  5. Thank you so much for this touching blogpost.
    And the bibleverses.

  6. Somehow we missed that book, but how sweet it sounds! It would leave me teary, too. I love that you send a similar reminder to yout daughter at the time she was born. I’m so thankful God loves and treasures us even more than a mother does her child.

    1. I agree, I’m so very thatnkful too.

  7. Paula, that book makes me cry always! I read it to my children 30+ years ago, and read it to my granddaughter now. But I really love the way you wove scripture into that thought and how God loves US forever-talk about tears! Please pass me the tissues.

    1. Virtual tissues coming your way my friend.

  8. I’m teary-eyed just reading your description of the book. Gob bless!

  9. Yes, I do remember reading that book to my children. It’s one of my favorite children’s books. Thanks for the party.

  10. Paula,
    Oh what a tear-jerker that book is! My youngest baby boy is 29. Amazing how a mother’s love never stops — it just keeps morphing as our “babies” grow and change.
    Bev xx

  11. What a beautiful story, Paula. [Insert sniff and snivel here] Is exactly right! It reminds me of Joe Wheeler’s books, Great Stories Remembered. Thanks for hosting Sweet Tea & Friends monthly link-up!

  12. Paula,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!! I live in Wilkes barre, not far from Scranton…. My husband is a huge Pittsburgh Penguins fan and goes to Pittsburgh for a few days to see a game. He and my son usually stay at teh Cambria Inn right next to the PPG Arena….We have the arena only 5 minutes from us where the Pens AHL team, the WB Scranton Pens, play and are season ticket holders….My husband actually works part time for the WB Scranton Pens …Hope yoiu had a great Labor Day!!

  13. That book is beautiful. I have actually read it to both of my daughters. Definitely a book worth reading. I’m new to your monthly link party, and I am about to look through a few posts. Thank you so much for hosting this monthly link up. I added a link back to your monthly link up on both of my blogs under my link party tabs. Again, thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful day.

  14. Paula, the book sounds wonderful. I was just reading to my 3-year-old grand-grandson last night and afterward his momma and I were talking about how important it is for her to have that one-on-one time with him, especially since he has a baby sister. I think that book would make a great gift for the two of them.

  15. Paula, I have not read this book but need to. This is so sweet and lovely. Your love here lifted my morning and I thank you for that!

  16. Hi Paula,

    I love this book and it seems to bring tears to my eyes. What a precious, tender post!


  17. Paula, hi! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Thanks again for opening your doors to share what we’ve been writing. So lovely and gracious. You’re the perfect hostess!

  18. We loved that book too, Paula. I can hear my daughter’s sweet little voice reciting those lines even now … ♥️

  19. How sweet, they will always be our babies, no matter how old they get ♥ I’ll put your party on my list, I have nothing to link up today.

  20. I am so glad your daughter receives the full love of that – my boys – LOL find it a bit creepy to think of me climbing in through their window while they’re sleeping, so I had to abandon that book. However, we can all dig into “I love you to the moon and back.” Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  21. Love You Forever sounds like a wonderful book. I was moved to read what you shared. Great reminders from the scripture too.

  22. What a sweet tradition, Paula! I’d never heard of the book but I love the idea. I also love the idea of sending a text right when your daughter was born.

    I might have to copy-cat you. All my daughters have already celebrated their birthdays for this year. Hope I can remember this in 2023!

    1. Copy cat away my friend. After the first few times you do it, it will become like second nature.

  23. As a parent of 2 boys this rings so true with me. I think the teenage years are a time when they need our love the most even if they appear not to.

  24. I added two more posts, Paula, #84 & #85 on our personalities. Thank you for hostessing Sweet Tea & Friends link up party!

    1. I so enjoyed this series Lisa.

  25. Hi Paula. No matter how old they get, they’ll always be our babies ♥ Thanks so much for hosting. I’ve linked up with #91 ARE THE POLYGAMOUS FAMILIES ON TV FOR REAL? Check out my link parties, would like to have you join us!

    1. Yes, for sure, no matter how old they get they will indeed always be our babies.

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