\”And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.\” Philippians 4:7— NIV

There\’s an old hymn titled; It Is Well With My Soul. You might recognize some of the lyrics…

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul

Heartbreak gives birth to great songs. Love lost, loved ones missed, and even tragedies elicit emotions that can best be expressed in the medium of music.

As I researched, I found out that the message behind this song is that God can provide peace to His people. It was written by Horatio G. Spafford. In 1817 he lost his 4-year-old son to scarlet fever. Then a few months later, the great Chicago fire wiped out most of his property holdings.

In 1873 tragedy struck again. He and his family had planned to visit Europe. But business kept Horatio behind. On the voyage, the ship his wife and their four daughters were traveling on struck another vessel and sank. Only Anna, his wife survived; she sent an unforgettable, incredibly brief telegram to Horatio with the words \”Saved alone.\”

While some would have raged at God and others would have walked away from him, Horatio decided to keep seeking God. Because of that, he found peace in the middle of his darkest moments.

We\’ve all lost something or someone at one time or another. Perhaps you lost your company when your business partner made a foolish decision, or you lost your spouse when they walked out on you or passed away. Maybe you face the loss of a job, a chronic illness diagnosis, or the loss of a disengaged loved one.

Whatever your loss, don\’t run from it. Don\’t try to hide it or buy it. Bring it to God; he wants us to lay our brokenness at his feet and knock on his door at midnight. He can handle your pain and grief; that\’s the business he\’s in.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Linking up this week with these great people: Inspire Me Monday Remember Me Monday InstaEncouragements Let\’s Have Coffee Grace & Truth and Friendship Friday

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  1. I cling to this truth, Paula: “He can handle your pain and grief; that’s the business he’s in.” Yes! Praying for you; thank you for praying for me, too. Love you, friend!

    1. Thank you bunches, You are there in my prayers every night faithfully. I love you too my friend.

  2. Oh Paula, this old hymn always brings me such comfort. Indeed if we keep our mind on him and him alone we will be kept in perfect peace…what a precious promise! Thx for this! I’m so enjoying my coffee with you and Jesus…

    1. Your welcome. I’m always happy to have you join me for coffee and Jesus, Jan.

  3. Beautiful Paula, thank you! We need the peace of Jesus!

    1. Thank you debbie, and your most welcome.

  4. “It is Well with My Soul” is a profound statement that rests on the Personhood of God. Everyone and everything bows before Him in awe and honor. When we have this perspective, all the trials and sufferings of this earth become temporary in our eyes because we are focused on Him. When we realize we are just passing through on our way to His Presence, it lessens the grief and sorrow we experience here for we know we will be reunited again in heaven.

    1. Amen Lisa. You speak such truths and offer great reminders. Thank you my friend.

  5. I’ve heard the story behind that hymn before but it always amazes me. It’s a real challenge to allow our hard times to turn us towards God instead of away.

    1. It really is a compelling story. I recently came across it. I find that as my relationship with God grows and as I age, I’m more apt to jump into his arms during tough times.

  6. A truly time tested hymn, Paula, that speaks peace so deeply into our grief. Jesus as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief knows the depths of our pain, and speaks peace to our hearts when we lean in and cling to him. Thank you sweet friend for sending peace our way today!

  7. That’s the business He’s in. I love that. And I loved being reminded of the story behind the song.

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