Just what is this ugly green monster anyway? The Mayo Clinic says fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues. Researchers believe fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by …
May 27, 2022
The One Who Loves You Never Tires!
Dear One With Chronic Illness, Having a chronic illness is a scary thing for sure. Many people don’t get a firm diagnosis or if they do, the doctors find it impossible to predict how …
Using The Psalms As Prayer
“For through him, we both have access to the Father by one Spirit” Ephesians 2:18— NIV Why Use the Psalms for Prayer? Sometimes when I do not know what to say, or I know …
Teach Me How
This post was originally published on August 20, 2021, On Simply Coffee & Jesus and is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and …
Can I Get More Spoons?
How many spoons do you get a day? Huh? Spoons you say? Well, let me tell you a little about spoons. They’re not just for eating with anymore. I’m A Spoonie First, let me …
Encouraging Someone With Chronic Illness
Do you or someone you know have a chronic illness? If you’re someone like me with chronic illness or know of someone who does. You know that some illnesses are invisible. Just because someone doesn’t …
Serving God Through Serving Others
It’s that time of year again. Throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, busy though it may be, it’s time we often take moments to slow down and pause and reflect on the simple things. …
10 Messages To Write In A Get Well Card
Oh No! A friend or loved one is ill or feeling under the weather. You want to send a warm, friendly greeting to them. You want them to know you’re thinking of them. Sometimes …
10 Messages To Write In A Thank You Card
Are you someone who struggles with what to write in a thank you card? Saying thank you is one of the sweetest gestures of gratitude to say to someone who’s made your day. I …
Tips To Get Through The Holidays With Chronic Illness
Do you have a chronic illness? Are you almost dreading the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas season? When holiday time approaches, those of us with chronic illnesses often find a spike in anxiety. We wonder how …
Book Review— The Jesus I Know; By Kathie Lee Gifford
Kathie Lee Gifford, a lifelong follower of Jesus, has deep conversations about her faith with anyone keen to listen. In her book The Jesus, I know she is doing just that. She asks about …
The Porch
What is it about our porches that are so welcoming? That’s just it; for most of us, it says welcome. It’s where we sit on a warm summer morning to be still, in the …