In “LIGHT” of the upcoming holiday seasons, I want to share with you, my friends, a few thoughts on giving and receiving. The question I pose today is. Why is it more difficult for some …

| Just Me Traversing Through the Wilderness of an Everyday Mess and Finding Beauty From Ashes and a Little Grace Along the Way |
In “LIGHT” of the upcoming holiday seasons, I want to share with you, my friends, a few thoughts on giving and receiving. The question I pose today is. Why is it more difficult for some …
It’s gratitude time of year again. It seems like every year when November rolls around, and Thanksgiving in the United States is upon us, we reflect more so on the things and people for whom …
How do we encourage others? Do we encourage others? I like to encourage others; there\’s something so satisfying, peaceful, and joyful about it. We are representatives for Christ, meaning he selected us to represent him …
Abba Father I come before you today to ask for forgiveness.My shame has kept me hidingfrom you. I thought that by remaining hidden youwould not see my sin, shame, or guilt. Father, I was wrong, …
For unto us a child is born to us, a son was given. With anticipation we waited thousands of years for our promised messiah. Our anticipated moment had arrived. With the birth of the one …